Wednesday 1 March 2017

Learn About the Importance of Elder Law in Waco, TX

As people grow old, the quality of care they receive becomes increasingly important. Many elderly individuals rely entirely on their children, family members or other trusted individuals to take care of them. Sometimes, this very dependence makes the elderly vulnerable to abuse and financial exploitation by caregivers. In some unfortunate cases, the expense of care and medical treatment becomes sidelined by disputes over property. Seniors or the elderly can become embroiled in legal issues at the expense of their own health and peace of mind.

To avoid unpleasant situations later in life, it is best to plan ahead and get proper legal documents in place earlier rather than later, especially when of sound mind.  These documents will provide documented instructions pertaining to medical treatment and welfare, disposition of property, and other such important matters that come with age.

Elder Law focuses on legal issues affecting the elderly. It encompasses different areas of practice and fields of law, including the following:

          Medicare claims and appeals
          Social Security and disability claims and appeals
          Supplemental and long term health insurance issues
          Disability planning
          Use of durable powers of attorney or living trusts
          Use of living trusts for important health care decisions
          Conservatorships and guardianships
          Estate planning
          Administration and management of trusts and estates
          Long-term care placements in nursing home and life care communities
          Nursing home issues including questions of patient’s rights
          Elder abuse and fraud recovery cases
          Housing discrimination
          Home equity conversions
          Age discrimination in employment
          Retirement – use of public and private retirement benefits
          Survivor benefits and pension benefits
          Health law
          Mental health law

Certified elder law attorneys in Waco help elder individuals and their families address issues related to nursing home care, estate planning documents like Last Will and Testament, power of attorney, and trusts, including a Living Trust. A competent elder law attorney brings expertise as well as a broad range of experience to the table that helps cover a wide range of issues affecting the elderly. This makes the process of planning for the future stress-free for everyone involved.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Navigate Senior Issues with the Help of Elder Law Attorney in Waco, TX: Rainey & Rainey Attorneys

It is important to protect the assets you have built in your lifetime with your hard-earned money, especially if you have reached, or are approaching, retirement age. You need to make sure that your life savings do not get depleted by nursing home or other long term care needs as you grow older. You would also want to leave a Will to determine how your savings and assets are going to be distributed amongst your kin after your death. 

You need the help of a good elder law attorney to smoothly navigate through issues that seniors face in Waco, Texas. This way, you can make sure that your loved ones are taken care of even after you are gone. It will also give you a sense of peace and satisfaction, while you are alive, knowing that you have taken care of all the matters for your loved ones. Also, the assets that you have lovingly built will go to the person(s) appointed by you in your Will if you set it up properly under the guidance of an attorney.

Your Elder Law Attorney in Waco, TX ensures that your Will is properly written and represents your true wishes regarding the distribution of your assets and wealth after your demise. They also make sure to help you create a Last Will & Testament to assure that your last expenses are paid and your wishes are followed. Your appointed heirs will also receive their due shares after probate without any issues.

If you want to set up a trust, your attorney will help you do it right so that there are no issues for the beneficiaries after your death. You can also set up a living trust for your children or spouse to help them in managing assets and tax planning.

When it comes to dealing with the Elder Laws in Waco, the qualified and experienced attorneys at Rainey and Rainey are a great choice. They will help you set up your Will and give you the flexibility of changing the beneficiaries at any given time. They will also make sure that you have the rights to sell or mortgage your property. 

With their experience, they can help ensure that your assets are protected and preserved in your lifetime. When you hire an Elder law Attorney in Waco, you can rest assured that they will act in your best interests so that you can live your golden years in peace.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Get a Fair Settlement for Your Claim with Personal Injury Lawyer in Waco: RaineyandRainey

There are times when the unexpected happens and you are in an accident caused by a product malfunction, defective machinery, reckless driving or a medical malpractice. During such unfortunate events, your life gets derailed and suddenly you find yourself helpless. In addition to the doctor’s appointments and paying unexpected bills, a lot of decisions regarding the settlement and claim need to be taken for the future with careful analysis. 

You need help and guidance at each and every step of the way and a well-established personal injury attorney can step in at this crucial stage. Licensed by the Supreme Court of the State of Texas, RaineyandRainey has a team of some of the best personal injury lawyers in Waco. They have the ability to help you come out of the messy situation with ease and help you get a fair settlement for your claim.

You must contact a personal injury lawyer as early as possible after the incident. However, you can file the lawsuit within two years of the date of injury. There are circumstances where you may partially be at fault, however, as long as you are not more than 50% at fault, you can collect a pro rata share of compensation for your damages.

Depending on your situation, there are many types of compensation options available. Generally, you can be compensated for medical expenses, lost wages, pain, suffering, emotional distress and more. You can also claim for punitive damages in the case of fraud, negligence or malice. Most of the cases are resolved without a trial and the lawyers at RaineyandRainey will litigate the case in a courtroom if it is in your best interest. 

If you are injured or hurt then you should discuss the details of your case with a personal injury lawyer to figure out the various options which pertain to your specific situation. Attorneys at the RaineyandRainey law firm work on a contingency basis. This implies that in addition to minor filing expenses, you do not pay unless your case is settled and you get a fair settlement for your claim.